Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Return to Cali

Very hard to leave the NW this time, I had to say goodbye to Madaline in between her school and volleyball practice. I am sitting in the airport terminal in Seattle wondering how my life has become so spread out with an out of control schedule. Time at home was good, but the chaos surrounding the house remodel was pretty extreme and it was hard to get comfortable. Hopefully, it will be worth it in the long run as it should turn out really nice. I will be flying back on Oct 2nd for 4-5 days to see Madaline when my brother be there also to see the new house for the first time. We'll see what he thinks about the new casa. Now I have to finish reading another script and formulate my plan to escape jury duty. I think I'll tell them I'll apply Roman Law to everything or suggest trial by ordeal/combat. Maybe that will work.