Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Graduation Junk is Expensive

I decided to purchase the required graduation materials today. I was going to go the cheapo root, as a starving grad student, but I had complaints come in from my family. I was pushed into one of the graduation packages for extended family, it was extremely expensive. I think the bookstore is operating like a corrupt monopoly of the highest order. Personally, I despise graduation ceremonies in all varieties and I feel hypocritical even attending my own. I get bored about 30 seconds in, and the entire audience usually wants to get it over with as soon as possible. Graduations are one of those strange self-perpetuating social rituals that most people dislike, yet everyone feels obligated to go to. I am such a sellout to cave in to my family's request, but I don't want to have to live it down for the next few years. I hope everyone has a lovely week and enjoys the rejuvenation of spring! That's about as cheery as I get lately as I have not been sleeping well.

1 comment:

kungfuramone said...

The Oregon departmental graduations are actually pretty quick - last year, history was about an hour and lit clocked in at 50 minutes (!)

Side note, in my opinion, you have a monopoly on the word "despise." It works for you.