Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Thesis Approved!

The Grad School formatting police just sent word that my thesis has been approved as no corrections were needed. Naturally, somebody just published an article in a prominent journal this week that reinforced an important yet obscure aspect of my thesis (the most original part I had). Oh well, it feels very good to be done with this portion of my academic career. I might even change the course of my study quite a bit over the next two years. I could emphasize more Classical Archaeology and Egyptology in order to set myself apart in the future job market. It will also get me on a funding track to explore Mediterranean digsites. Good day all - Drink and Be Merry!


another kind of nerd said...

Yay Approval! Well done!

Dolce Vita said...

At your next celebration, I think a "Veni, Vidi, Vici" bow is in order (it seems so appropriate, I couldn't resist).
Most people (myself included) didn't get that letter until weeks after graduation. Congrats for having everything completely done before mid-June!

kungfuramone said...

Cheers, dude. On to greener pastures!

Trust in Steel said...

Thanks everybody - your support is appreciated!

Rachel said...

congrats! And the concept of getting paid to go to digsites in the Med... nice.

Matto said...

Way to Go!