Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Descent Complete: Time to Attempt an Ascension from the Clutches of a Tortuous Abyss

Disclaimer: This blog post is of a personal nature, but I felt it necessary to explain to any interested parties what has gone on since my last blog. This will be the last blog of this type.

I continue to adjust to life in LA having battled my way through the myriad planes of hell this summer, I emerge spiritually purged by another test rife with life's incessant miseries. Hopefully, enduring perpetual hammering while transfixed on the anvil of life's journey has further tempered the steel in my soul so that I do not break. One way or another, I return to the blogosphere after a significant hiatus brought about by circumstances beyond my control. My daughter's well-being was severely assailed by the continued deterioration of her environment. All of my energies this past summer have been centered around providing my daughter an avenue of escape from a circumstance that was imploding around her. The situation has been dire and threatens to limit my ability to continue on in LA, but I am still working on measures to protect my daughter's future prosperity. I should be able to attain legal custody within the next 10 days, but obstacles may still emerge. My entire situation is still being evaluated, but all my decisions will be predicated upon what will give my daughter the best chance to have the highest quality of life. Her long-term prosperity may still be a function of the successful of my PhD program, but I will continue to weigh her present development against my absence in LA. After considerable deliberation with my family, she will reside with my family in her familiar environment of the sheltered valley farm where I grew up. I am unwilling to further disturb her life with a move to the chaos of LA in a time of such turmoil. In addition, it seems dubious that I could provide the best environment as a single parent in LA due to the requirements, constraints, and realities of my particular PhD program. For now, I will proceed with my program and see how things develop. At this point, that is all that can be done - but the future of this entire endeavor hangs on a precipice. Such is life, but I will just try to keep moving forward and make the best decisions I can. In any case, my future blogs will go back to their old style as best I can - I hope everyone is doing well.


kungfuramone said...

It's a good thing you've got the whole what-doesn't-kill-me-makes-me-stronger attitude in spades; a weaker person would have cracked long before this. Needless to say, good luck (in winning custody and in finding the appropriate balance between the program and spending time with your daughter.)

Actually, a better, more useful phrase: Bon Courage! Wishing someone luck doesn't do a lot of good, but wishing them continued perseverance might.

Dolce Vita said...

I concur - bon courage!

I also want to add a pat-on-the-back for weathering all the challenges thrown at you this summer. In my humble opinion, I think you've made the best decisions for her (and the PNW is so much better than SoCal). Regardless of the outcome, I hope you can take comfort in that.

Keep us posted.

Cabiria said...

Courage, lion! I too am hoping for the best for both of you.