Saturday, May 19, 2007

Victory is Mine!

I emerged from my defense victorious. After suffering the mental challenges posed to me by the tribunal of academic inquisitors, I embarked on an extensive night of celebration with too wide a variety of spirits. (Thanks E, M, and C!) Despite feeling the ill effects, I managed to properly represent at the department History Conference consistent with the tradition of KFR, Matto, and El Machetito from last year. The evening was topped off with a wonderful dinner at E's new pad, courtesy of Morgan and E, accompanied by considerable vino and a viewing of KFR's montage of favorite music videos. Great Stuff!!! I will try to savor my victory for a few days before delving back into the murky quagmire that is Latin and Greek for the remainder of the summer.


kungfuramone said...

Congratulations, man. I'm not the least bit surprised to hear that you crushed your battle opponents' balls.

Trust in Steel said...

Thanks!!! I also found the video you sent E with Will Ferrell and the cowbell Hiiiilarious!!!

kungfuramone said...

More cowbell. Words to live by.

Rachel said...

Congrats! They do it for the purpose of torturing you, that's all. :)

Matto said...

Way to go and Congratulations. I'll have a celebratory drink for you soon.